Start of School Tasks - High School

A few notes:

  1. Please note you can only do these steps after the EOYR is completed (ie. only do these steps after mid August)
  2. Once you have completed the required steps below then please sign-up here for a one-on-one session so we can check your setup and answer any questions you may have. (please note we can only do 1 session per school due to the number of schools we have this year)
  3. If you have any questions about any of these steps please submit a helpdesk ticket.

Checklist for Schools doing Class/Period based Attendance (typically High Schools)

  1. Commit Schedule (click here to watch)***ignore the part about the grade term cover map, MyEdBC has changed since I recorded this video***
  2. Set Attendance Preferences (click here to watch)
  3. Set Active Schedule (click here to watch)
  4. Setup Grade Terms (click here to watch)
  5. Setup Structure Terms (click here to watch)
  6. Setup Structure Days (click here to watch)
  7. Setup Structure Period/Days (click here to watch)
  8. Setup Structure Bell Schedules (click here to watch)
  9. Setup Calendar and Assign Students to Calendar (click here to watch)
  10. Add New Staff (click here to watch)
  11. Remove Old Staff (click here to watch)
  12. Enroll New Students (click here to watch)
  13. Change Grade Level of Students (click here to watch)
  14. Withdraw any Students (click here to watch)
  15. Copy Courses (click here to watch)
  16. Setup Sections (click here to watch)
  17. Assign Students to Sections (click here to watch)
  18. Once you have completed all the above steps you can book a one-on-one session with us below so we can double check your setup:

Book an appointment with MyEducationBC Independent Schools using SetMore

You will use the following Zoom link for the session:

  1. Here are some other training resources which may be useful to you as you start a new year:
    1. Common Reports & Extracts (click here to watch)
    2. Training and Support Resources for Independent Schools (click here to watch)
    3. How to Use Helpdesk for Support. (click here to watch)





School Staff


Support Team Members

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm a parent/student how do reset my portal account/password?

If you are a parent or student you will need to contact your school to ask them to reset your username and password for the parent/student portals. My team has no access to reset or create parent portal accounts.

Contact Our Team

Phone Us


Office Hours

9am - 4pm, Monday - Friday
Click here for office closures


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Attention Parents & Students:

Please note that our suport team CANNOT RESET any student/parent usernames or passwords for you.

If a student or parent is having troubles logging in or accessing MyEdBC you will have to contact your school or district to get them reset your account.


Project Manager




Support & Trainer