WELCOME to MyEducationBC

Online Support for BC Independent & First Nation Schools using MyEdBC

Need Help?

Our Helpdesk is the fastest way to get answers to your questions or problems with MyEdBC. All requests for support should be submitted to our helpdesk. One of our team members will be happy to help you with any MyEdBC issues.

Training Videos

We have checklists and videos for every major task in MyEdBC, or if you missed a live online training session and want to review it you can see all our previous training session recordings

Click Here for Videos

Click Here for Upcoming Training

Provincial Guides

The Ministry has created a series of guides about using MyEducation for front desk staff, teachers, SPED coordinators and schedulers. These guides are more detailed and generalized for all schools

Click Here for Guides

Open Sessions

During these monthly group sessions school login to zoom to ask our team any questions, and then we demonstrate how to use particular functions or reports. Schools can also connect with other schools user that do similar tasks

Join Open Session

How we can help you?

Click on the links on the left side to see the training and support services we provide for MyEdBC:


Our Helpdesk is the fastest way to get answers to your questions or problems with MyEdBC. All requests for support should be submitted to our helpdesk. One of our team members will be happy to help you with any MyEdBC issues.

Click here to submit Helpdesk ticket

Training Video's and Checklists

If you missed a live online training session or want to review it you can see all our previous training session recordings here. These videos cover tasks like start of school setup tasks, 1701/TRAX reporting, report cards, course scheduling, and end-of-year roll over.

Click here to view Training Videos & Checklists

Upcoming Training

View upcoming live online training events that we have on various topics such as 1701, TRAX, Report Cards, Student Registration, ES-Audit, etc. There is a lots of time during the training sessions to ask questions about the topic.

Click to view Upcoming Training

Provincial Guides

The Ministry has created a series of guides about using MyEducation for front desk staff, teachers, SPED coordinators and schedulers. These guides are similar to our guides just more detailed and generalized for all school types.

Click here to see Provincial Guides

Open Sessions

These open workshops have no predefined topics and are when schools can come into a Zoom room and ask our team any questions that they have. We can demonstrate how to use particular functions or how to run specific reports that you may have questions about. It is also a chance for you to connect with others in the same role as you but in different schools and see how they optimize MyEdBC in their schools.

Click here to join Open Sessions and review previous sessions

One-on-One Sessions

At the start of the school year and throughout the year you can book a one-on-one session with one of our staff members. We will do a desktop share with Zoom and help you through any problems you are having with MyEdBC.

Click here to book One-On-One session






School Staff


Support Team Members

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm a parent/student how do reset my portal account/password?

If you are a parent or student you will need to contact your school to ask them to reset your username and password for the parent/student portals. My team has no access to reset or create parent portal accounts.

Contact Our Team

Phone Us


Office Hours

9am - 4pm, Monday - Friday
Click here for office closures


Click Here

Attention Parents & Students:

Please note that our suport team CANNOT RESET any student/parent usernames or passwords for you.

If a student or parent is having troubles logging in or accessing MyEdBC you will have to contact your school or district to get them reset your account.


Project Manager






Support & Trainer
